
New apps for trip planning

At 4am when I was watching the football match between Manchester united and Birmingham city, I found a few useful iPhone/ipad apps for trip planning.

Booking.com, DB Navigator of Deutsche Bahn and pocket travel for wikitravel.

All of these are now new to me. I have been using their content for trip planning all the way. However, the related apps ate going to make my life much easier, especially for the DB Navigator, as the DB website navigation experience is not perfect yet. The iPhone app of DB is much more sleek and efficient.

All great stuff. Hope you find them useful. I am unsure how to put hyperlinks but it's easy enough to search then as I did just that. :) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop







Sunday, May 07, 2006



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New blog entry

Realised I haven't updated this blog for a while, again. Same reason - getting a new life and needed time to get adjusted.

Yeah - I'm getting busier and busier, particularly after my boss went on leave and won't come back until next year. Right - we said goodbye, merry Christmas and happy new year on 3rd Dec before I headed to Australia for a one-week break.

After coming back, I got on with a pseudo-nightshift where I had to work from 8pm-12midnight 3 times a week. And candy and I spent the remaining time to clean up a bedroom to fit a new double bed.

Don't get me wrong. All interesting stuff. Just a bit busy and slightly overwhelming when they all come to me together at the same time.

Now the double bed has troves safely; the night calls have gone quiet until next year. I guess I can relax a bit finally.

Hope i'll have time to finish all pending blog entries... :P


A change in role again...

I go where the fate leads me.

After today, I had another role change in my job. I still hold the same title and work in the same team, but the role that I am responsible is completely changed.

There had been some priority changes to the team because of the latest budget cut. It was unfortunate given I just joined the team on 18th October. I was told I would be reuniting with Linda, whom I worked for in 2007, to give her a hand more like 6 months. Good old days. I am happy frankly, after reuniting with Paul earlier. It's like the old team's back now.

Since I'll be working on premier again, I am going back to my comfort zone, which is also positive to certain extent as I am still adjusting from being in a branch role to this more IT-oriented one, getting back into the comfort zone would help in this transition too.

Perhaps this is fate. Many many times I said I do not believe in god(s), I do believe in fate however. After 6 months, who knows what's going to happen. Right?


Blog entries pending...

I have now got about 10 entries pending to be posted on this blog. They are my travel journals with photos. So far, I have posted just one of them. Sometimes it's just hard to get my mind straight and finish all these pending tasks. Body is tired. Mind is exhausted.

Even now, I have time to write these things because I am travelling on an MTR train! Watched 'The Social Network' this morning. Was hoping I were same young as those folks... Had the time to work on those interesting business ideas and stuff... But I am not like that now.

But is it because I am just 10 years older than them then I lost all the energy? Don't think so. It's more like about motivation. Gotta get those out. I want to switch my old mode back. Not the one I look like now. Someone please help.

New start...

Again, it's been another while since I last updated this blog, since I came back from Europe.

Well, this is almost the exactly same cycle I went through every time I switched to a new role. Yes - I have just started a new role after I came back from Europe.

Remember I mentioned in my blog that I can now update my blog while I am travelling to or from work. The weird thing is, now, I don't have to travel much. My team is pilotting an agressive way of home working. We are required to come in the office only twice a week. We can stay and work at home for the remaining 3 days. So, the chance of me updating the blog while travelling is diminishing.

I have started my new role for 3 weeks. However, I met my teammates 6 times. How weird is that?! I am still adjusting myself to it with limited progress. The benefits of home working to my personal life is obvious. At least, I go to gym 2 times a week in the morning. Quite a healthy way of living I guess. Work-wise, I am not sure - it's hard to concentrate for 8 hours in a row at home. That's where I need a bit adjustment.

We'll see to that.


France & Iberia trip - day 1

我終於有些空閒寫這篇西歐旅程day 1的entry了,其實今天已經是day 6,此刻正身處由巴塞羅那往塞維爾的高速火車上,還有三個半小時才到達目的地,正好讓我重整一下這幾天的旅程。


我們住在巴黎一個叫做le Halle的地方,與龐比度藝術中心只是兩條街之隔,雖然酒店簡陋,但論位置卻有一百分。亦因為地利之便,我們便先到龐比度一走,當日是星期二,博物館都沒有開放,我們只是在門口前拍照留念罷了,不過龐比度出格的建築風格依然讓人留下很深的印象。
從龐比度往塞納河方向走,先經過華麗的巿政廳,然後過橋便能看見聖母大教堂。wow! 果然有令人眼前一亮嘅感覺,而參觀嘅人亦都唔少,我哋仲見到對喺度影婚紗相嘅疑似香港情侶呢,相信效果一定很不錯。










France & Iberia Trip Summary

Finally, we are back!!!

Still haven't got the time to manage the 1000+ photos I took during the trip. In the meantime, let me try to get a summary of the cities we travelled here:

1. Paris
2. Marseille
3. Avignon
4. Arles
5. Barcelona
6. Seville
7. Cordoba
8. Madrid
9. Toledo
10. Lisbon

It's hard to imagine how we visited 10 cities in 11.5 days. Definitely not easy and it was also hard to cover the whole city with limited time. But we managed to see as much as we can, while taking some time off for some great lunches and dinners. This is why I am proud of ourselves.

If we have some leisure time in Europe later, very likely we will visit some of the cities soon. :)


15 hours to France

On my way to the airport now.

Just finished my blog entry of my taiwan trip when riding the airport bus. That's why I hail the success of mobile blog device. It did help kill the hour of travel time...

For this trip, Candy and I are carrying a 65L backpack, a hand-carry sized suitcase and 2 handbags. I realised just now how long time I haven't used my bakpack... Probably since my trip back from the baltics tigers in 2008. Sinc then I haven't really been on any rough trip at all. Of course, my coming Europe trip is not gonna be a rough trip. However, it will take us travelling across several cities. A backpack would be more convenient.

I do love carrying my backpack for travel. It gives you the feeling on being on a adventurous trip and a bit of nostalgia. Simply put, it feels great! Hope I will use it more often afterwards :)

台北pre-wedding行 - Day 3




台北四天就這麼過去了。台灣食物依舊保持水準,我們也依舊買了不少圖書,這次我覺得台灣的旅遊書籍水準不錯,很適合Candy的,雖然我還是lonely planet的fans...



看罷狄仁傑之通天帝國 After watching Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame









2010-09-06 中國周刊


李永剛 南京大學教授







Poor Russians - Outrageous price of iPad in Russia

At a premium of 46%, with the news of new iPad-like devise from Blackberry and Samsung, will the Russians be interested in getting the not-so-new gadget from Apple?

Holding an iPad looks cool for sure, but at 46% premium?! It'll just heat up the black market I guess...


Apple to Sell IPad in Russia at 46% Premium, Vedomosti Reports
By Ilya Khrennikov - Sep 29, 2010 1:24 PM GMT+0800

Apple Inc. plans to start selling its new iPad touchscreen computer in Russia on Oct. 11 via retailers including M.Video and Mediamarkt, Vedomosti reported.

The devices will retail for as much as 37,000 rubles ($1,220), or 46 percent more than in the U.S., the Moscow-based newspaper said today.






Africa's banking boom

Scrambled in Africa
Chinese and Western banks are flocking to Africa but finding a strategy that works isn’t easy

Sep 16th 2010

WHEN ICBC, the world’s biggest bank by value, paid $5.5 billion for a 20% stake in Standard Bank in 2007, bankers around the world sat up and took notice. The deal with South Africa’s largest lender suggested Africa was no longer a curiosity but a potentially big source of profits. Some elements of the continent’s vaunted financial blooming have since wilted: Nigeria’s banks, which had briefly seduced Western investors, suffered a crisis (see article). But the main business logic—that Africa’s growing trade links with other emerging markets have raised its strategic importance in banking—is intact.
Now everyone’s looking at Africa,” says Jacko Maree, Standard Bank’s boss. In January Bank of China, the country’s most international outfit, entered into a pact with Ecobank, which operates in 31 African countries. Chinese staff will drum up business from local branches. In August Brazil’s Bradesco and state-controlled Banco do Brasil announced a new African holding company with Banco Espirito Santo (BES), a Portuguese firm active in Angola. And HSBC is in talks to buy Nedbank, a South African bank. William Mills, who runs Citigroup in Africa, Europe and the Middle East, says the continent is becoming “more and more competitive”.

Local and Western banks’ profits in sub-Saharan Africa, excluding South Africa, were about $2.6 billion in 2009, not far off the sum Western firms made in India or China (see table). But China is active, too. So far, Export-Import Bank of China, a state entity which promotes trade and investment, has done all the running. It has perhaps $20 billion of loans in Africa (including north Africa), reckons Deborah Bräutigam, of American University in Washington, DC. Western private banks in sub-Saharan Africa have loans of $50 billion, excluding South Africa and Liberia, whose shipping industry distorts the data. Bank of China’s loans to Africa and the Middle East doubled last year to $3 billion. ICBC recently made a $200m loan to the Nigerian arm of MTN, a South African mobile-phone firm, to buy equipment from Huawei, a Chinese manufacturer.

There are broadly two sorts of firms operating in the region. First, the biggish locals, such as Standard Bank, which is active in 16 countries, and Togo-based Ecobank, which operates mainly in west and central Africa. Then there are rich-world firms, which tend to operate where there are historical links: Société Générale in French-speaking west Africa; Barclays and Standard Chartered in English-speaking countries; and Portugal’s banks in Angola and Mozambique. Citigroup has run a skeletal network since the mid-1960s.

Traditionally all used variants of the same basic business model of serving well-off consumers, state entities, and medium-sized and big businesses. The banks typically gathered more in deposits than they lent, which meant excess liquidity was parked with rickety governments and central banks. There were usually limits on how much profit could be sent home. But with high interest rates on private loans, the returns on equity were pretty good.

Increasing the scale of this sort of operation is tricky, as the formal economy is often shallow and the middle class small. Some have expanded too quickly. Ecobank has 750-odd branches, 40% of which have been built since 2007, a heavy investment which helps explain why its return on equity was a lowly 6% last year. Its chief executive, Arnold Ekpe, says he has slowed expansion and is keen to restore profitability. At Standard Bank Mr Maree acknowledges that “we were a bit too aggressive on branches”. Barclays has also slightly cut back on sales outlets.

Jean-Louis Mattei, who runs Société Générale’s international retail activities, still wants more branches but says, “We have to be realistic, not optimistic.” He plans to add 100 in sub-Saharan Africa to the existing 300, using plain buildings and a regional back-office system to keep a lid on costs. Mobile banking, meanwhile, is popular but most banks have yet to find a way to grab a large chunk of the profits.

One lucrative strategy is to take a big bet on a booming economy. Portugal’s banks re-entered Angola after the civil war and are enjoying its oil bonanza. BES, Banco BPI and Banco Millennium BCP together have 170-odd branches in Angola, but made a staggering $440m of profit in 2009. Pedro Homem, a director of BES, says that although the pool of private-sector customers is limited, the bank’s loan book is “quite diversified”. The great risk is the Portuguese banks’ exposure to the state. The government seems also not to like foreigners taking the spoils. Last year all three had to ensure that at least 49% of their operations were owned by locals.

Others have chosen to focus on wholesale banking. Chinese firms that are building airports, roads and power plants are sought-after clients. Standard Bank has a team of 40 bankers in an office opposite ICBC’s headquarters in Beijing, who are trying to woo the Chinese bank’s clients. So far the financial performance of the collaboration has been disappointing. Still, the love-bomb tactics have created a strong brand recognition in the Middle Kingdom: Standard Bank is now known as “Africa and Mining Bank”.

Many banks envy the Standard Bank set-up but doubt that bog-standard alliances with Chinese banks are worth it. “They suck everything out of you,” says one European bank boss. Yet there are other ways to prosper. Standard Chartered’s wholesale operation now contributes 80% of its African profits, up from 60% a decade ago. It got there by bulking up its energy and commodities teams and using its global network to win African business from European and Indian clients, says V. Shankar, who runs the bank outside Asia.

Most firms are likely to use this “network banking” approach to try to benefit from the wave of infrastructure and natural-resources investment in Africa. Citigroup looks set to to reinforce its position in trade finance and investment banking, and if HSBC buys Nedbank, it will use it as a means to create a lean presence across the continent. (However, Barclays’ purchase in 2005 of ABSA, another South African bank, has not transformed its position in the rest of Africa.)In one sense this is disappointing: banks will not prepare for a consumer-banking boom unless wealth begins to trickle down. But the hard-headed approach is a sort of compliment too: banks are taking Africa seriously.

Is any person irreplaceable in an organization?

在Google News看到這一篇文章


HSBC Replaces An Irreplaceable CEO

Parmy Olson, 09.27.10, 07:40 AM EDT

The bank is losing a colourful character in Michael Geoghegan.

LONDON -- It's official: after working for 37 years at HSBC, Chief Executive Michael Geoghegan is leaving. A stream of reports, flatly denied by the bank, claimed last week that he was stepping down because the board would not appoint him as chairman. An article in the Financial Times cited “three sources” close the board saying this was the case, while sources at HSBC claimed in The Independent that “someone” had leaked “false and diabolical reports to the press." On Friday, however, the bank confirmed it had appointed a new CEO and chairman, and that Geoghegan was exiting the firm.

As a result HSBC loses one of the more colourful characters ever to have sat in its boardroom. With his forceful and at times intimidating persona, Geoghegan stood out in a bank well-known for its conservative way of doing business and avoidance of personality politics.

Geoghegan, pronounced “gey-gun,” was known within HSBC ( HBC - news - people ) for his straight-talking style, a man who liked to get to the point, and for his quick temper. Employees feared him and so, apparently, did some members of the board according to a source with knowledge of HSBC’s management strategy, who believes that contrary to HSBC’s protestations, Geogheagan did threaten the board with his resignation. “Geoghegan probably felt that he could bully them into making him chairman,” the person said, adding that it now appeared he had “massively miscalculated.”

Geoghegan has always been something of a brash character, though. Appointed as HSBC's chief executive in March 2006, sources say that during the financial crisis he liked to make references in his internal emails and speeches about how he had “been there before,” having for instance built HSBC’s presence in Brazil and survived the Argentine peso crisis. Nothing, in other words, could easily faze him.

Chairman Stephen Green, who is leaving to become a U.K. government minister for trade in January and whose departure sparked the race to fill his seat, could not have been more different. An opera-lover who has studied Russian so he can read some of the nation’s literary classics in the original and also speaks good Mandarin, Green had a more gentle management style. He threw “thank you” parties for the bank’s employees in 2009 after a successful bout of capital raising and also after a positive annual general meeting. “I don’t remember Geoghegan being there,” a source close to the bank said. "Employees feared Geoghegan, respected Green.”

This is not to say that Geoghegan was not admired. A hardworking “banker’s banker,” he held posts with HSBC all over the world throughout his time at the bank, spending twelve years in North and South America, eight in Asia, seven in the Middle East and three in Europe. A profile in the magazine Management Today described him as “decisive and quick-thinking,” a fast talker who would shoot from the hip.

It may just be that at this current point in the economic cycle, HSBC’s shareholders, not to mention its board, do not want Geoghegan’s sort of personality in the chairman’s role. There is also corporate governance guidelines to consider – since 2003 British companies have been advised not to elevate their CEOs to become chairmen.

HSBC’s choice of replacement for Geoghegan and for the chairman’s role that he coveted points to the “safe pair of hands” that the bank and its board are looking for: finance director Douglas Flint will succeed Green chairman while Stuart Gulliver will take over Geoghegan’s role as chief executive. Gulliver formerly headed up and has steadily grown HSBC’s Global Banking and Markets division (effectively its investment banking unit).

Known within the bank as its “rainmaker,” Gulliver, 50, is seen as something of an alpha-male type within HSBC, extremely erudite but having also taken up boxing while studying at Oxford University. He’s even sparred a bit with the British government: it was Gulliver who famously suggested a few weeks ago that HSBC may have to move its headquarters away from London because of state proposals to break up big banks.

The new chairman, Flint, is also seen as a conservative choice. With a background in accountancy and a stint at KPMG where he came to be well-respected, Flint’s deep knowledge of HSBC’s numbers is renowned among investors and staffers. “He’ll be the ‘safe pair of hands’ to restore stability after this little boardroom contretemps,” a source close to the bank said.

Geoghegan will step down as CEO and from the board on Dec. 31, 2010 but will continue to be employed by the bank in an advisory capacity until March 31, 2010, when he will retire, the bank said in an official statement. “It has been an honour and a privilege to serve HSBC,” Geoghegan added in the statement. “Douglas and Stuart will be an awesome combination and the company is in excellent hands." It is in very different ones at that.


台北pre-wedding行 - Day 2






台北pre-wedding行 - Day 1 6pm


之後就到我選男裝了,相比起女生,男裝的款式選擇還真的少得可憐呢,大概因為男生們都沒什麼要求吧!沒辦法之下,我也盡量挑了兩套不那麼差的... 其實我已經試了很多套的了...


Letters to Juliet

On my way to Taipei on a plane now. Picked the film 'Letters to Juliet' for in-flight entertainment. My goodness - in just 10 minutes, I know it's a good one. I so much want to go to Verona now! I should've taken the chance to visit Verona on a weekend trip when I was in Prague! (sobbing) There was an overnight bus from Prague to Verona... Though it takes about 15 hours to get there...

Anyways, I have decided I wouldn't miss Verona next time I visit Italy!!!!!

台北pre-wedding行 - Day 1 5pm

試晚裝終於到尾聲了,Candy都選到了幾件合適的晚裝,60% done! 現在到試婚紗了!乾等原來也很悶的... 我也算好耐性的了... 哈哈!



台北pre-wedding行 - Day 1 4pm


呵呵... 兩套婚紗和三套晚裝,不簡單吧?

台北pre-wedding行 - Day 1 3pm




GG Plan Trip大典


發展到今天,我也膽敢自詡在「Plan Trip界」略有小成,今天還打算寫一篇文章來分享一下自己的心得。希望有緣的話,我也可以幫到你吧。


選定了數個目標地點後,便可以上網做一些簡單的資料搜集,我覺得Wikipedia和Wikitravel已經大致上足夠,如果有時間的話也可以Google一下網上的其他網站或照片。再深入一些的話,我會到圖書館借閱Lonely Planet,如果是這個程度的資料搜集的話,舊版本的Lonely Planet也可以的。這樣的話,你便大概知道理想的行程大概有多久,是否可行等等,畢竟十天裏要遊覽廿個城市是不可能的;要今天在歐洲,明天到南非也不太現實,對吧?


再接下來,我通常會到一些旅遊代理或網頁查找交通方面的資料。到歐洲的話,我會查問到倫敦、巴黎或法蘭克福的機票,因為這些大城市都是航空重鎮,航班選擇較多,價錢當然也較便宜。然後,查找接駁的機票一事,可以完全付託給skyscanner(http://www.skyscanner.net/),一個我由第一次使用便已經讚不絕口,並且四處推介的廉價機票搜尋網頁,用了skyscanner便不再需要到easyjet, Ryanair等航空公司遂一搜尋了。


乘搭飛機只是其中一個選擇,到歐洲又怎能不嘗試一下他們的火車系統?如果你是新手,你可能覺得搜尋歐洲火車的時刻表或車票不知從何入手,有些國家的火車網頁又真的沒有英文網頁呢。其實,你只需要到德國的火車公司網頁(http://www.bahn.de/),就可以搜尋到所以其他歐洲國家的火車了,我剛剛試了一下,連從莫斯科到明思克的火車時間也能找到呢。另外,也可以試用捷克的交通網站(http://www.idos.cz/),如果以布拉格為基地,還可以找到長途巴士的時間表呢。不過,有言在先,這些網頁未必能買國外的火車不票,所以,它們在策劃時的作用比較大。要遙距買火車票,現在可以到Rail Europe的香港代理網頁(http://www.raileurope.hk/),不過要小心無形陷阱,詳情可見另文。


至於住宿,以前我常根據Lonely Planet的建議,之後也試過hostelbookers(http://www.hostelbookers.com/)和hostelworld(http://www.hostelworld.com/),最近我最喜愛用booking.com(http://www.booking.com/)。


中秋節 - 放工之苦

Left the office today at 5:15pm. Waited for more than 20 mins while didn't see a single bus coming. With more than 15 ppl queueing in front of me, I finally opted for MTR. Now it's 6:07pm. I haven't arrived at tsuen wan yet.

Why on earth it's so difficult to go home at a normal hour? Is it hard to expect higher commuter traffic?

Commuters are always treated badly, I have to say. We are the group of people who have to always take care of ourselves. We are the canned sardines on every train in peak hours.

Who's gonna look at this some day... That issue will put your name on the history book - doing great for millions.







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Australia Trip Update - Great Ocean Road

Panned out the details for our Australia Great Ocean Road trip this December.

Should be fun!

Day 1
Melbourne > Torquay > Lorne > Apollo Bay > Moonlight Head > Port Campbell
(staying overnight at Port Campbell)

Day 2
Port Campbell > Warrnambool > Port Fairy > Melbourne

That should make a great 2-day trip!


HSBC needs more than Nedbank to win big in Africa

An interesting analysis about the latest acquisition target of HSBC. So, I guess, more will come in the next few years?


ANALYSIS-HSBC needs more than Nedbank to win big in Africa
Wed Sep 1, 2010 12:09pm GMT

* Nedbank stake will give HSBC little outside S.Africa
* Pan-African Ecobank, Nigeria lenders could be target
* Needs to avoid "suitcase banking" in Africa strategy

By David Dolan

JOHANNESBURG, Sept 1 (Reuters) - HSBC (HSBA.L) will need more than just a controlling stake in South Africa's Nedbank (NEDJ.J) if Europe's top lender aims to be a serious player on the fast-growing African continent.

HSBC (0005.HK) said last week it was in exclusive talks to buy up to 70 percent of South Africa's fourth-largest bank, a potential $8 billion deal that would pull London-based HSBC out of obscurity in Africa's biggest economy. [ID:nLDE67M05Q]

But acquiring Nedbank, a lender overwhelmingly focused on South Africa, would give HSBC little advantage in rising frontier markets such as Nigeria and Kenya.

Nor would the Nedbank stake give HSBC the tools to elbow aside Standard Chartered (STAN.L), Barclays (BARC.L), or South Africa's Standard Bank (SBKJ.J) in the race for deals between Africa and Asia, HSBC's strongest market.

"Is HSBC building something that would vastly increase its pan-African presence and ability to close the trade corridors between the East and Africa? I would say no," said Chris Steward, head of equity research at Investec Asset Management.

"If you are buying Nedbank, you are buying the No.4 franchise in South Africa, and really, very little else."

While Nedbank owns a majority stake in a Zimbabwe lender and has retail operations in other southern African countries, less than 5 percent of its first-half earnings came from African countries outside of South Africa.

Nedbank is strong in low-margin corporate lending, but has a money-losing retail operation and, analysts say, a weak capital markets business.

It also has an alliance with pan-African banking group Ecobank Transnational (ETI.LG) (ETI.GH), a $3 billion lender that operates in around 30 countries across the continent, but that seems to have brought little benefit so far.

For HSBC, it may be that South Africa alone is an attractive enough proposition at the moment, but Michael Geoghegan, the bank's chief executive has acknowledged that Africa is a weak spot in its aspirations to a global network.

"That is one element of our strategy that doesn't ring to the world's local bank," he said in July.


Exports from China to Africa have jumped by an annual average of nearly 40 percent since 2000, hitting $55.9 billion in 2008, according to economists from Standard Bank.

HSBC's rivals have been targeting that deal flow. Standard Chartered is long established in financing such trade, while Barclays owns a majority stake in South Africa's Absa (ASAJ.J).

Standard Bank is 20 percent owned by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (1398.HK) 601938.SS.
"(HSBC) has pretty much immaterial exposure to Africa at the moment," said John Holmes, an analyst at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods in London.

"That's why getting Nedbank now and getting access to that would make a lot of sense."
HSBC's first-half earnings results show no contribution from Africa. During the same period, Standard Chartered made $311 million from Africa, or about 10 percent of its pretax profit.

HSBC will likely struggle if it attempts to win business via "suitcase banking", where bankers are flown in for short stints to drum up business. One possibility to build scale could be an acquisition or capital alliance with Ecobank.

"You need that bricks and mortar presence on the ground. The first sort of bank that springs to mind in that line of argument would be Ecobank," said Johann Scholtz, an analyst at South Africa's Afrifocus Securities.


Acquisitions in Africa are likely to come with regulatory hurdles, but Nedbank could help HSBC win over policymakers in frontier African countries, said Rob Nagel, senior portfolio manager at South Africa's Cadiz Asset Management.

"A lot of the African central bankers and legislators are more open to speak to South African corporates than they are to, say, Asian corporates or European corporates. So maybe you use South Africa as a springboard into the rest of Africa."

The Nedbank brand might also make it easier for HSBC to recruit staff in Africa, he said.
HSBC's strength in corporate lending could be a calling card in frontier markets, where bankers say it is difficult to win investment banking deals without a commercial lending base.

One South African banker, who declined to be identified as he is not authorised to speak to the media, said HSBC could develop its business by focusing on three "hubs": southern Africa, West Africa and East Africa.

"The next opportunity may be presented in Nigeria, with an equivalent type of acquisition to Nedbank. You could use Nedbank to do the southern African area, and you could branch out from Nigeria,"
he said.

Any acquisition in Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation, would likely carry a hefty price, analysts say.

While HSBC will need to grow on the continent, it is unlikely to use Nedbank for any big organic growth, given that the South African lender will not be a wholly owned subsidiary.

"You're going to have a minimum 30 percent minority stake sitting within Nedbank," said Investec's Steward.

"Why would HSBC want to put in 100 percent of the effort to get 70 percent of the reward?" (Additional reporting by Steve Slater in London; Editing by Will Waterman)




可是今次卻偏偏要用那Rail Europe愚蠢的系統,老實說,我從來未用過如此糊塗的系統。既然沒有車位了,理應立即拒絕客人,而非告訴客人兩天內會有人聯絡,並且會協助完成訂購程序。更甚的是,當我一併check out全部車票,系統亦沒有告訴我哪一張車票買不到,而是拒絕確認所有車票,結果我白等了好幾天,甚至連我本來能夠買到的車票現在都買不到了。



今天我還去了圖書館,借了一本葡萄牙的Lonely Planet,才知道原來里斯本也算得上是旅遊的一線城市,喜愛不同風格的旅客都能在里斯本找到愛好的地方。本來我以為在里斯本一天時間已足夠,現在看來一日半也未必夠呢!



October trip to France, Spain & Portugal

Finally, I got my long vacation confirmed. France & Spain, here we come!

However, because of the rather short notice before the trip, we could only get a relatively reasonable flight package with a departure date on 5 Oct midnight, leaving just 11 days for travel... Well, nothing is perfect. I will treasure this long sought-after journey to Europe anyways.

As usual, trip planning is one of the most fascinating pieces of a trip. I just love planning a trip. Through reading websites, like wikitravel, reading books, like Lonely Planet and reading transportation websites, like the railway operators of France and Spain... The feeling was simply too good to describe. I could even imagine my mind flowing over the European continent.

Originally, only France and Spain were on our plan. Then I felt, perhaps we could squeeze Lisbon to our trip, given I have never been to Portugal before and I have been a real fan of 'the Age of Discovery' during the 15th to 17th Century. Iberia was core in the beginning of the important era. I believed if I missed this chance to visit Portugal, it would take me at least a few years to get another chance there.

So, the outcome is a really aggressive plan, one might say. In Lonely Planet France, in the 'Paris in two days' section, it says "if you've got only a couple of days in Paris (bad decision, that)..." that says it all. But, so much to see, so little time!! What can we do? We are travelling all the way from the Asia. How couldn't we use our time most effectively?!

5 Oct 0525 Arrive London
5 Oct 0725 Leave London
5 Oct 0940 Arrive Paris
7 Oct 0714 Leave Paris
7 Oct 1018 Arrive Avignon Centre
7 Oct 1149 Leave Avignon Centre
7 Oct 1302 Arrive Marseille
7 Oct 1758 Leave Marseille
7 Oct 1851 Arrive Avignon Centre
8 Oct 0720 Leave Avignon Centre
8 Oct 0738 Arrive Arles
8 Oct 0951 Leave Arles
8 Oct 1009 Arrive Avignon Centre
8 Oct 1327 Leave Avignon Centre
8 Oct 1959 Arrive Barcelona
10 Oct 1550 Leave Barcelona
10 Oct 2115 Arrive Seville
12 Oct 0715 Leave Seville
12 Oct 0801 Arrive Cordoba
12 Oct 1506 Leave Cordoba
12 Oct 1655 Arrive Madrid
15 Oct 0710 Leave Madrid
15 Oct 0720 Arrive Lisbon
16 Oct 1345 Leave Lisbon
16 Oct 1615 Arrive London
16 Oct 1835 Leave London








Travel log

Was reading my xanga late last night when I was also watching US basketball team against Angola. I realise I quite like what I wrote when I was travelling. Haha... Although quite many entries were quite 'mo liu'.

The thing is it's pretty time consuming to write a travel log. It usually takes more than an hour to write 2-3 pages on my traveller's journal. So far, the travel log for Cebu, Fujian, Chengdu are still outstanding. I should really find some time to finish them. Written records are meaningful to me, even they could be just a chain of photos.

Next move

After leaving my branch for 4 months, I guess I am looking at my next move now. If I'll get a move, it'll be my 9th position in this company, in 6 years.

I consider myself quite lucky to be able to work in so many different areas all these years. Of course, one could always expect more. If more good things ever happened to me, I would not have been in this situation now. I don't want to be a greedy man, so I'll be content with my situation. Let my life flow freely with time. Hopefully, good things will happen to me naturally.

I need to remind myself constantly, in this materialistic world, I am not motivated by monetary terms. All I want is satisfaction and being recognized by the people I know. Perhaps I also want to travel freely one day. This, well, will require some savings. Working in a bank is quite distracting to my non-materialistic dream. The monetary award I get from my job does make it hard for me to simply quit and enjoy my life or even to start my own business. The trade-off is hard to take. Need more determination. However, I know it's growing...


Coal Mine Fires



原來因為這些地下煤礦的火災而形成的二氧化碳,竟然佔全球每年排放量的3%,這是一個非常驚人的比例。當然,文章中亦提及這數字並不準確。怎樣也好,這些地下煤礦火災為地球帶來的禍害肯定不少。這幾篇文章還真的值得看,原來,除了內地的烏達煤田火災,世界上還有上千計的媒田同時在燃燒! 根據其中一篇2007年的報導,單是中國,我們每年的煤礦就因火災燒掉了一至兩億噸的煤(每年國產量為22.6億噸),所產生的二氧化碳,足足等如美國全年燒汽油所產生的二氧化碳量的50至100%!!





2010-09-01 中國廣播網
中廣網烏海9月1日消息(記者陳青平 烏海台張玉瓏 通訊員孫躍文)







Australia Trip Planning

About a week ago when I had lunch with Mary and Winnie, we came up with the idea to visit Australia together. It was 2006 when we, including KC which forms the FFFC gang, last travelled together. This great idea, together with boring work, motivated me so much that I managed to book the flight tickets and requested everyone to block the holiday period on team roster in just a week ;)

I haven't been to Australia before but heard so many good things about it. A so-called developed country with pristine unexploited nature. A huge country that one can only cover a fraction in one week's time. Some months ago I purchased a lonely planet guide for Australia. It's time to make good use of it.

So little time... So much to see...

Fortunately we will have 2 drivers this time. Driving on our own should save us much hassle when travelling in Australia as Aussie is merely too big to travel on public transportation. It's a more like the US and Canada that one can't get too deep to each site with public transport.

The main places of interest of this trip will be Sydney of new south wales, Melbourne of Victoria and places around them. The main idea is to enjoy the road trip down from Sydney to Melbourne. Then we will fly back to Sydney via domestic flight.

Here's the draft plan. Just a very rough plan as we still have plenty of time for planning ;)

Sat (arrive at 8am)
Sydney city

Koala sanctuary
Sydney city

Sydney city
Katoomba (Blue mountain area)

Driving to Melbourne (stopping over Wollongong, Jervis Bay, Eden; staying at Lake Entrance) (half day on beach)

Driving to Melbourne (stopping over 1-2 downs and Phillip Island)

Melbourne city and around
Philip Island

Great Ocean Road (stopping over 1-2 towns) (must include beach experience)

Return to Melbourne
Melbourne city

Fly to Sydney (10:50- 12:10)
Fly back Hong Kong


Singapore Trip - Day 3 & Tips

On day 3, it was just a very relaxing morning, compared to day 1 and 2. We were supposed to get to the airport for check-in at 2pm. Thus, we just took our time in the morning to enjoy more food and do shopping at the supermarkets.

We went to a nearby cafe, called the coffee connoisseur, for breakfast. The environment at the cafe was excellent. It was something like a designer cafe with a unique and peaceful atmosphere, especially when we were the only pair of guests there. :)

The food quality was also far above expectation. The food served was what you would expect nomally at a five-star hotel. We loved that cafe. To me, it was a great morning, with a long forgotten feeling, that I could read my newspaper quietly in a nicely decorated cafe on a Sunday morning. I used to do that quite often when I was living in Prague...

In fact, apart from the existence of that excellent cafe, the environment around Robertson quay was really nice. I suppose it's regarded as a top-notch residential area. There's also a nice cake shop, as recommended in our travel guidebook. The blackforest cake was outstanding. I told candy that she should look at living near Robertson quay if she would have chance to work in Singapore one day :P

For the third time, we went to Maxwell food centre to ensure we left no regret at Singapore. We tried Tian tian chicken rice and bak kut teh again. They were the main reason we went there again. That time I also tried an iced drink made from soursop. Quite good wor!

That's roughly our 3-day trip!

Here are some tips I can think of:

1. It takes about 30 minutes to travel between the airport and the Sinapore city. For 1-2 travellers or night arrival (50% charge will be added to the taxi fare at late night), hotel shuttle should be a better choice. It costs S$9 per passenger and can be summoned at service desk at each terminal anytime. For more travellers, you can consider taking a taxi. It costed us only S$18 to get to the airport on a Sunday afternoon.

2. To take MRT, you can buy single trip ticket at each MRT station. Every time you need to pay S$1 extra as a deposit for the ticket. You can get a S$1 refund by returning the ticket at the ticketing machine.
3. It could be less costly to exchange Singaporean Dollars (SGD) in Hong Kong than in Singapore. We compared quite many local money chargers and banks (using USD) with the Fx rate we got for SGD exchange in HK and found that it was still cheaper to exchange in Hong Kong. Surprisingly, ICBC was offering the best rate, even cheaper than the 10 money changers we visited.

3. Singapore offers free wifi all over the city as long as you have a local mobile phone number. You can register your local mobile phone number for free wifi access. However, if you do not have one, like us, then just enjoy a 'wifi-free' vacation in Singapore!